18. april
Dialogue meeting: Responsible Global Value Chains – Strengthening knowledge sharing and collaboration
With the purpose of strengthening collaboration and knowledge sharing on inclusive and responsible global value chains, Ethical Trade Denmark in collaboration with IDH is inviting for a dialogue meeting.
Inclusive and responsible global value chains is a key priority of The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as described in the strategy The World We Share, 2021-2025. In alignment with the strategy, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports various organisations working on global value chains, including the Dutch organization IDH for the period of 2023-2026.
The meeting will provide overview of IDHs plans in the coming years with a view to identify relevant opportunities for knowledge sharing and engagement of relevance to Danish organisations and companies.
09.00 Welcome by Nanna Callisen Bang, Director, Ethical Trade Denmark and Daan Wensing, Director, IDH.
09.15 Presentation of IDH, with introduction to plans and programmes supported by Danish MFA, by Daan Wensing, Director, IDH
09:45 Planned joint activities in 2023 by Nanna Callisen Bang, Ethical Trade Denmark
10:00 Coffee break
10.15 Introduction to living wage and living income, by Sonia Cordera, Program Director, Sector Initiatives and Gael Lescornec, Programme Manager, Cocoa
10.25 Break out in 2 workstreams 1) Agriculture and deforestation, Carole Attoungbre, Country Director, Côte d’Ivoire 2) Textile and garment, facilitated by Pramit Chanda, Global Director, Textiles & Manufacturing
11.00 Plenary presentation – ideas for further exploitation and collaboration
11:45 Next steps and closing remarks by Nanna Callisen Bang, Director, Ethical Trade Denmark and Daan Wensing, Director, IDH.
If you have any questions regarding the event, contact Jacob Lykke Andersen at ja@etiskhandel.dk
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