6. November
Multistakeholder Approaches to Responsible Business Conduct and Greening Value Chains – A knowledge Exchange Session
The GAIN Nordic Partnership is pleased to invite DMDP/DGBP partners and other interested stakeholders to join us for an informal knowledge exchange session on multistakeholder collaboration and approaches to integrating responsible business conduct and greening in project design to advance sustainable value chain development.
This session is part of a broader consortium visit, where commercial and non-commercial partners from Ethiopia, Tanzania, Pakistan, and Denmark will be present to share reflections and open up the space for a broader multistakeholder dialogue. During this event, participants will share key learnings, reflections, and challenges related to promoting responsible business conduct and greening in international value chain development.
More about the partnership: GAIN Access to Better Dairy – Danida Business Partnerships (danida-business-partnerships.dk)
- Welcome and Round of Introduction by Nanna Callisen Bang, Director Ethical Trade Denmark
- Introduction to the GAIN Partnership and Key Activities on Responsible Business Conduct and Greening Interventions
- Pecha Kucha Session – Short reflections from individual partners on key learnings and challenges.
- Roundtable discussion
- Wrap up and key take aways.
Ethical Trade Denmark is pleased to host this meeting at our venue: Brøstes Gård, Overgaden Oven Vandet 10, 1415 C
The meeting will be held in English.
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