8. september
Dialogmøde: The Dilemmas and Challenges of Carbon Offsetting
Companies with carbon footprint reduction as a priority face several challenges when it comes to offsetting: How should companies prioritize their resources when it comes to choosing between Denmark or developing countries? How can they ensure the quality and success of offsetting schemes?
Come and get DanChurchAid’s (Folkekirkens Nødhjælp) reflections on partnering with Ugandan organization ECOTRUST and gain insights from an international context when the CEO of ECOTRUST, Pauline Nantongo, shares her experiences designing an offsetting scheme to benefit the climate, the environment and the local population.
You will also meet Henrik Vinther Olesen – the CSR Director in Salling Group – and listen to other companies and organizations’ (TBC) views and reflections on carbon offsetting.
There will be time for questioning and the opportunity for sharing experiences and knowledge.
The meeting will be in English.
14.00-14.05 “Welcome” by Nanna Callisen Bang CEO at Ethical Trade Denmark.
14.05-14.15 “Introduction” to dilemmas and challenges by Gitte Dyrhagen Husager – Head of Private Sector Engagement – DanChurchAid (Folkekirkens Nødhjælp).
14.15-14.30 “Developing ‘trees for global benefits’” by ECOTRUST CEO, Pauline Nantongo.
14.30-14.50 “Company presentation” by Henrik Vinther Olesen – CSR Director of Salling Group – and Company 2 (TBC). Experiences and reflections on carbon offsetting (Denmark or elsewhere).
14.50-15.00 Coffee Break
15.00-15.20 “5-minute sessions on various views and experiences” by Morten Fauerby Thomsen – Head of Private Sector Engagement – CARE, TBA – Dansk Erhverv – and Sofie Tind Nielsen – Senior Forest Advisor – WWF.
15.20-15.50 Q&A and dialogue
15.55-16.00 Closing remarks
Please register for the event below.
Praktisk information
Mød talerne
Gitte Dyrhagen Husager
Pauline Nantongo
Henrik Vinther Olesen
Morten Fauerby Thomsen
Sofie Tind Nielsen
Tilmeld arrangement
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