22. marts
Webinar: Beyond audits 2.0
Be inspired to move from control and compliance to engagement for sustainability change in the value chain.
Focus on sustainability in the value chain is increasing, as both customers and regulators are making more firm demands on companies to consider their impact on both climate, environment and people.
Intuitively, the increased requirements might trigger tightening of controls and audits, but actually calls for the opposite: to drive sustainable change there is a need to shift focus from compliance to a risk-based approach, and move from supplier controls to collaboration and deeper engagement with both suppliers and other actors in the value chain and in sourcing countries. This is where the necessary sustainable change is created.
At this webinar, you can be inspired by:
- Ajda Cevc and Vinitha Mathew, senior sustainability advisors at Ørsted, talking about Ørsted’s Responsible Business Partners programme and its approach to working with suppliers and business partners with a partnership mindset, focusing on improving their adherence to Ørsteds social, environmental, and ethical expectations.
“The green energy build-out impacts the lives of many, including people working across renewable energy supply chains. To support a just transition, we must ensure that the companies we work with run their business and supply chains free from labour and human rights violations, corruption, and environmental risks and mitigate adverse impacts on workers, communities, and the natural environment they operate in.” - Claus Aabling, labour rights manager at BESTSELLER, talking about BESTSELLERs engagement with suppliers and labour market stakeholders in supplier countries to improve working conditions and respect for labour rights.The due diligence work and deep engagement with stakeholders was acknowledged by the Danish complaints-handling institution, NCP Denmark, as they rejected a complaint over BESTSELLERs continued business in Myanmar after the coup d’etat.
BESTSELLER is also active in the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, gathering brands, factories and unions to ensure safe and good work environment in Bangladesh and Pakistan, and in ACT – a groundbreaking agreement between trade unions and both global brands and retailers to achieve living wages for workers through collective bargaining enabled by freedom of association and responsible purchasing practices active in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar and Turkey.
The event is online, free and open to all.
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